Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Die Hard
Play through the whole game without dying once
2018-01-02 20:06:38 7.3%
Killer Performance
Perfect play ‘Haunted Theater’
2018-01-02 20:06:37 13.4%
Why me?
Stayed behind, all alone
2018-01-02 19:48:47
Lights, camera..
Assisted in escaping the Haunted Theater
2018-01-02 19:48:10 30.8%
Is that another..
Escape from the Dark Hallway
2018-01-02 19:40:54 38.1%
Ice Physics
Escape from the Frozen Courtyard ..and didn’t lose your cool
2018-01-02 19:37:51 37.4%
Dungeons and..
Escaped from the Dungeon ..and the dragon.
2018-01-02 19:34:42 44.8%
Happy Ending
Have some confetti
2018-01-02 19:30:16
This is fine
Escape from the Submerged Hallway
2018-01-02 19:27:25 49.1%
Worst Friend Forever
Got out and left your friend behind
2018-01-02 19:18:12
Don’t Turn Around
Escaped the Haunted Theater
2018-01-02 19:16:32 30.5%
Vlad The Impaler
Perfect play ‘Spike Hall’
2018-01-02 18:51:33 33.9%
South Pole
Assisted in escaping the Dark Hallway ..and learned about cardinal directions
2018-01-02 18:51:33 37.7%
Fools’ Mate
Perfect play ‘Chess’
2018-01-02 18:49:45 48.4%
Assisted in escaping the Frozen Courtyard ..and learned some new tricks
2018-01-02 18:49:45 37.1%
Dungeon Master
Perfect play ‘The Dungeon’
2018-01-02 18:39:34 48.4%
Guiding Light
Assisted in escaping the Dungeon ..and didn’t skip leg day
2018-01-02 18:39:33 44.2%
What ‘r you doing?
Perfect play ‘Submerged Hallway’
2018-01-02 18:23:14 60.8%
Antarctic Odyssey
Assisted in escaping the Submerged Hallway ..and became a qualified plumber
2018-01-02 18:23:14 48.4%
Myth Busters
Perfect play ‘Painting Room’
2018-01-02 18:22:28 62.0%
A face on its..
Assisted in escaping the Painting Room ..and enjoyed fine arts
2018-01-02 18:22:28 49.9%
..Between The Eyes
Assisted in escaping the Storage Room ..and no the answer is not a nose
2018-01-02 18:20:40 52.7%
Is that a..
Escape from the Painting Room
2018-01-02 18:15:15 50.5%
Eye See You
Perfect play ‘Between the eyes’
2018-01-02 18:01:54 59.5%
The Answer Lies..
Escape from the Storage Room
2018-01-02 18:01:53 53.3%
Everything is Better with Friends
Invite a friend to join your game!
2018-01-02 17:53:16 33.1%