Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Sharing is Caring
As a visitor spawn an item in someone else's Lounge.
2023-11-04 11:07:04 4.1%
As a host have 7 visitors in your Lounge.
2023-11-04 11:06:53 3.7%
Fall out of the Lounge... and go back to where you came from.
2023-11-04 11:05:53 4.2%
Pick up an object for first time.
2023-11-04 10:58:07 6.8%
There are many like it, but this one is mine
Save your very first Lounge.
2022-06-08 22:45:55 7.0%
Configured and Ready
Press apply button at least once in Options Menu.
2022-06-08 22:43:28 8.4%
No Sleep, No Problem
You launched the game at 1AM. Sure you shouldn't be sleeping?
2022-06-08 22:43:14