Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Van Helsing
Impale 50 opponents with the Impaler.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.6%
Gore-Splattered Devil
Kill 25 opponents in a row without dying.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.1%
Goatshank Redemption
Yes, we developers make achievements for you, bug-seeking goats.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.7%
Goatnado Maniac
Kill 25 opponents with the Zero-G Saws. (Alternative fire)
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Goatiano Ronaldo
Hit an opponent 5 times with Ram or FusRoBeh without making it touch the ground.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.2%
Goat Game
Kill 101 opponents.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 10.9%
Goat for Life!
Win 340 matches in any mode.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Goats bodies are not made for flight. But they dont' know that, so they try it anyway.
2020-04-15 02:48:55
Cute and Deadly
Kill 10 opponents in a row without dying.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 10.5%
Win 100 Team Deathmatches.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Billiard Hero
Detonate 50 opponents with the Grenade Launcher.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.3%
Are You Not Entertained?
Win 50 Free For All matches.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Apocalypse Goat
Kill 250 opponents with Explosions.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.4%
Ragequit Material
Actually, your opponents will complete this achievement for you.
2020-04-15 02:48:55
Ram and Pull
Ram an opponent and kill him midair.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 17.5%
Stealth as a Goat
"Don't move! He can't see us if we don't move."
2020-04-15 02:48:55 6.4%
Jack the Ripper
Slice 50 opponents with the Ripper.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.6%
The Men Who Stare at Goats
Don't expect they will explode for real.
2020-04-15 02:48:55
This is SPARTA
Push 50 opponents off a ledge.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 7.0%
Pole in the Hole
Also goats have their special place.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 10.3%
Off With Her Head!
Kill 50 opponents with Headshots.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.4%
Nail 50 opponents with the Piercer.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 6.3%
Miley Cygoat
Bleat 100 times. (In this game)
2020-04-15 02:48:55 4.1%
Medium-Rare, Please
Cook 50 opponents with the Roaster.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.7%
King of the Hill
Win 50 FusRoArena matches.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
I've Got You In My Sight
Snipe 50 opponents with the LightGun.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 5.9%
It's not rocket science
Explode 50 opponents with the Missile Launcher.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 6.5%
Win 50 Gun matches.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Sniper Goat
Kill 500 opponents with Headshots.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
A gentle push
Send flying 50 opponents with the FusRoBeh.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 3.1%
Ram 25 opponents to death.
2020-04-15 02:48:55 7.5%