Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Bling Bling
Your ranch now has a prestige rating of 5,000.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.4%
You have reached level 30.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Great Deal
You sold a horse for over 2,000 Dollars!
2018-08-18 22:29:37 5.2%
Tourist Season
1,000 guests have left the ranch happy!
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.4%
So Much Free Time
You have assigned your guests to the activity center 500 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Level 2 Approved
200 Level 2 guests have left happy.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 3.7%
And who will take care of them?
You can house 25 guests.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
You have watered your flowers 5,000 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 3.5%
Ready to Compete?
You have leveled up horses 100 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
Am I on TV now?
You have won 100 show events.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Winning Type
You have won 100 events.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.0%
Lucky Ducky
You won an event with a success chance of less than 10%.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
Catch your Breath
You have won 20 endurance races.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
World Traveller
You have participated in 500 events.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Story Teller
You have reached level 90.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
You have reached level 60.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Ranch Master
You have reached level 50.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Speeding Bullet
You have won 50 races.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
You have fulfilled 5,000 horse wishes.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.2%
Did Someone order Horses?
You now own 10 horses.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.1%
Getting Better
You have trained horses 1,000 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
Experience Counts
You have earned 100,000 experience points through quest rewards.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.2%
Quest Complete
You have completed 1,000 quests.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Equestrian Enthusiast
You now own 20 horses.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
You have expanded your ranch 10 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Money Maker
You have 5,000,000 dollars in your coffers.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
Further and Further
You have expanded your farm property 3 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 5.4%
Snack Chef
You have earned over 100,000 Dollars with snack shacks.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.2%
Greasy Delight
You have cooked 50 servings of french fries.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.7%
You have started 5,000 productions.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.5%
You have bred 500 foals.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Hard Labor
You have started 20,000 productions.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.9%
Swim Meet
You have earned 200,000 Horse Dollars with the swimming hole.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 1.8%
Business Person
You have 500,000 dollars in your coffers.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 2.5%
You have trained horses 10 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 10.8%
You have removed 100 pieces of trash from your ranch.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 21.1%
You have watered your flowers 1,000 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 8.2%
You have earned 20,000 dollars through quest rewards.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 10.4%
Is that enough water?
You have watered your flowers 10 times.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 32.5%
First Steps
You have reached level 10.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 21.6%
Cozy Quarters
You can house 3 guests.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 23.0%
How cute!
You have bred your first foal!
2018-08-18 22:29:37 29.8%
Stable Boy
You have completed the tutorial.
2018-08-18 22:29:37 76.4%