Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Seven Stones
You've built a beautiful cairn.
2023-10-20 21:29:24 13.7%
The Happy Wall
You've just seen a lot.
2023-10-20 21:25:20 22.1%
Licking the Blade
Knives are for cutting, not for licking.
2023-10-20 21:19:35 39.9%
Heads Off!
How many heads does it have?!
2023-10-20 21:06:19 46.3%
Bedtime Stories
You've found the book of the dead.
2023-10-20 21:03:12 82.6%
Bunny Patty
2023-10-20 21:01:42 19.5%
You just make the hearts pop.
2023-10-20 20:37:35 18.2%
You've been... thunderstruck!
2023-10-20 20:24:32 28.9%
Happy End
Finally, it's over.
2023-10-20 20:05:54 58.5%
You've passed the second nightmare. You're almost happy now.
2023-10-15 21:17:27 66.1%
Congratulations, you've endured the first nightmare. On to the next one!
2023-10-01 23:16:24 82.6%