Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
No Burnings Today
You must weigh more than a duck!
2016-12-29 03:37:21 18.7%
Collect ALL the treasure!
2016-12-29 03:35:49 12.8%
A Short Sentence
No time for a monologue on the joys of freedom.
2016-12-29 03:34:25 18.8%
Touchy Subjects
The king will be pleased.
2016-12-29 03:31:43 19.0%
Right Under The Royal Nose
2016-12-29 03:30:46 13.8%
Turning Point
Do a 180!
2016-12-29 03:26:37 19.9%
A Whole New World
Over, sideways, and under…
2016-12-29 03:24:02 20.4%
Taking the Plunge
One of life’s necessities.
2016-12-29 03:20:02 21.6%
Spearheading the Campaign…
...for nonsensical weapons.
2016-12-29 03:18:02 22.4%
Taking All You Can Get
Take ALL the things!
2016-12-29 03:15:17 19.2%