Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
20 Days
Survive until day 20
2022-10-15 13:27:49 23.0%
More New People
Reach a population of 35 people
2022-10-15 13:20:53 14.9%
Store 4000 energy
2022-10-15 13:09:14 14.4%
10 Days
Survive until day 10
2022-10-15 12:52:34 33.4%
New People
Reach a population of 25 people
2022-10-15 12:50:34 23.5%
Store 300 food
2022-10-15 12:28:18 21.4%
Store 300 water
2022-10-15 12:17:17 27.1%
Tutorial Exploration
Complete the exploration tutorial
2022-10-15 09:18:28 25.9%
Tutorial Confidence
Complete the confidence tutorial
2022-10-15 09:13:51 28.3%
Tutorial Challenges
Complete the challenges tutorial
2022-10-15 09:05:42 33.2%
Tutorial Basics
Complete the basics tutorial
2022-10-15 08:53:05 45.2%