Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Challenge n°5
Win the third level of the yellow sky with only 7 doses.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 16.7%
Hero before God
Save all the houses. Full stop.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 16.8%
Dance with ghosts
Save all the "!" houses of the ghost sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 16.9%
Challenge n°1
Win the last level of the first chapter holding 13 cyan paint doses in the tank.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 16.8%
Better than the Tibius
Find and win the hardest level of Ubinota
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.1%
See dead people
Save all the non "!" houses of the ghost sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.1%
Save the world
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.3%
Challenge n°3
Win the last level of the night sky with only 13 doses.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.1%
Challenge n°4
Win the last level of the red sky with only 4 doses.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.3%
Head chef
Collect every ingredients in the yellow sky, even the "!" ones
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.5%
Collect all the non "!" ingredients of the yellow sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.8%
Beyond the visible
Win a second level with the phantom paint
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.9%
Kitchen assistant
Collect all the ingredients of the recipe
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.9%
Nice guy
Save all the non "!" houses in front of the sky hole
2018-06-25 11:28:09 18.1%
Not today
Save all the "!" houses in front of the sky hole
2018-06-25 11:28:09 17.9%
Life through red-tinted glasses
Save all the "!" houses of the red sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 18.3%
Challenge n°2
Win the last level of the sugar sky with only 3 paint doses.
2018-06-25 11:28:09 18.1%
Ghost hunter
Catch the ghost
2018-06-25 11:28:09 18.6%
Midas's friend
Use 5 times the yellow paint
2018-06-25 11:28:09 18.9%
Cotton candy prospector
Save all the non "!" houses of the red sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 19.1%
Almost scientist
Study black clouds
2018-06-25 11:28:09 19.8%
See in the dark
Save all the "!" houses of the night sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 19.6%
Lose the first level
2018-06-25 11:28:09 20.3%
Not very up and running
Win 2 levels with the green paint
2018-06-25 11:28:09 22.7%
Magus's disciple
Save all the "!" houses of the sugar sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 23.0%
Night painter
Save all the non "!" houses of the night sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 23.1%
The one who never gives up
Start again a level despite 5 failures
2018-06-25 11:28:09 23.6%
Find the cloudologist
2018-06-25 11:28:09 23.9%
As light as a feather
Manage to use the red paint
2018-06-25 11:28:09 28.0%
Magus's assistant
Save all the non "!" houses of the sugar sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 28.7%
Not just a painter
Paint the sugar sky
2018-06-25 11:28:09 28.9%
Model pupil
Save all the houses of the superintendant's domain, even the "!" ones
2018-06-25 11:28:09 28.9%
Press the red button without painting anything
2018-06-25 11:28:09 37.3%
True architect
Suck up 100 paint doses
2018-06-25 11:28:09 40.4%
Very good recruit
Save all the non "!" houses of the superintendant's domain
2018-06-25 11:28:09 41.6%
Good recruit
Paint the superintendant's domain
2018-06-25 11:28:09 42.0%
Use 2 paint at the same time
2018-06-25 11:28:09 44.1%
The first scar
Win one "!" level
2018-06-25 11:28:09 46.7%
Even eat paint
Paint 300 cubes
2018-06-25 11:28:09 47.8%
On a razor's edge
Win a level with a least 5 seconds of suspense
2018-06-25 11:28:09 54.1%
From every angle
Turn the equivalent of 3 turn on the same level
2018-06-25 11:28:09 57.4%
Huge painter
Paint 100 cubes
2018-06-25 11:28:09 59.8%
Cautious painter
Suck up 20 paint doses
2018-06-25 11:28:09 64.3%
As quick as his shadow
Win a level in less than 15 seconds
2018-06-25 11:28:09 66.0%
The vacuum works!
Suck up 10 paint doses
2018-06-25 11:28:09 69.3%
Likes paint
Paint 20 cubes
2018-06-25 11:28:09 71.5%