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Achievement Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Full Power
Get your fifth minion!
Ember Strike 36.1%
All Together
Train a party to level 3!
Ember Strike 32.0%
Mini Boss
Beat the mini boss to unlock PVP!
Ember Strike 30.5%
PVP Time
Win your first PVP match!
Ember Strike 23.6%
Boss - Fang
Defeat Fang and save the Village!
Ember Strike 12.1%
Well Trained
Train a party to level 10!
Ember Strike 11.7%
King of the Seas!
Win a PVP match with Fang!
Ember Strike 5.3%
Mini Boss - Berserker
Beat the raging orc!
Ember Strike 2.4%
Boss - Chairman Bao
Defeat Chairman Bao and save the valley!
Ember Strike 0.7%
Mini Boss - Little Hands
Beat Chief Little Hands!
Ember Strike 0.2%
Boss - The Conjurer
Defeat the Conjurer!
Ember Strike 0.1%