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Did that really just happen?
Complete the game only using the bow and arrow. NO STARTING PISTOL EITHER!
2023-02-16 23:34:04
Paint It, Pink
Eliminate Turkzu
2023-02-16 23:34:04 58.1%
Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots
Slaughter Drawrgon
2023-02-16 23:34:04 57.9%
Robo Gang Turkzu
Destroy T-Bot
2023-02-16 23:34:04 59.0%
I've Got a Lovely Bunch
Annihilate Coconutte Tree
2023-02-16 05:16:48 59.0%
Look Ma, Hands!!
Vanquish Skulle With Hands
2023-02-16 02:56:25 60.8%
A Giant Flying Shoe
Conquer Big Shoe
2023-02-16 00:36:35 61.7%
Nice Try
2023-02-15 22:15:23 96.1%