Game for
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
Casual, Adventure
Family Sharing
Released August 31, 2017
USD 14.99
Game Rating
Steam Review Score
4h 33m
Total Playtime
4h 32m
Additional Playtime
2021-11-22 21:08:56
Last Played
2021-11-03 16:52:50
Last Unlock & Completed
1 minute
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… Expired
… in Progress
… Completed
4h 47m
Completion Playtime Avg.
3h 54m
Completion Playtime Median
3h 40m
Playtime Average
3h 19m
Playtime Median
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Completion Time Playtime Last Unlock
mordsmiez 100% 28 3h 0m 3h 0m 2024-05-07 19:55:50
rhiannon_3r45mu5 100% 28 2h 45m 2h 45m 2024-02-24 22:15:33
Mortalis 100% 28 5h 29m 5h 29m 2024-02-15 20:10:25
Famelicose 100% 28 8h 23m 8h 23m 2024-02-14 09:46:06
SK4ND4L 82.14% 23 / 28 7h 27m 2023-11-26 15:25:57
shizawn 100% 28 3h 8m 3h 8m 2023-10-22 23:10:34
abitkit 100% 28 48h 6m 48h 6m 2023-09-15 02:34:07
Mentalpower 100% 28 3h 44m 3h 44m 2023-08-25 08:06:09
.oscilloscopa 100% 28 3h 8m 3h 8m 2023-08-03 10:30:37
LH 100% 28 4h 33m 4h 33m 2023-05-17 16:42:36
Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Helpful Hand
You helped your mom bring the man to the hospital.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 78.4%
Great Healer
You've cured the man.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 77.2%
Selfless Soul
You helped feed the monkey. Now, he’ll be your helper.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 77.1%
Amazing Engineer
You successfully fixed the hydroplane.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 76.7%
Rapid Learner
Finish 1 Minigame in 60 seconds without skipping.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 76.3%
Model of Accuracy
Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle with fewer than 10 wrong selections.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 75.7%
Skilled Explorer
You successfully entered the ancient temple.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 75.6%
Skillful Researcher
You've revealed the Flower of Life's location.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 75.3%
Champion of Tenacity
Complete 4 Minigames without skipping.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 75.1%
Congratulations! You successfully got out of the cave.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 73.9%
Amazing Thinker
You got your way out of the mine.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 73.1%
Swift as a Bird
Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle in 90 seconds.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 72.6%
Brisk like a Breeze
Finish 3 Hidden Object Puzzle without using a Hint.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 72.3%
Problem solver
You explored and got through the Dragons’ research facility.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 72.2%
Witty Adventurer
Complete 8 Minigames without skipping.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 72.1%
Savior of Humans
You successfully neutralized the serum and saved millions.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 72.0%
Precise Observer
Finish 6 Hidden Object Puzzle without using a Hint.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 67.3%
Brave Firefighter
You saved the flora and fauna of the valley.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 66.0%
Famous Escaper
You got out of the valley.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 63.4%
Ideal of Vigilance
Finish all Hidden Object Puzzle without using a Hint.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 53.2%
Master of Perseverance
Finish all Minigames without skipping.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 45.1%
Poster Collector
Find all collectible posters.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 44.9%
Crow Collector
Find all collectible crows.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 31.2%
Jaguar Collector
Find all collectible jaguars.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 29.2%
Crocodile Collector
Find all collectible crocodiles.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 22.5%
Morphing Master
Find all Morphing objects.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 20.9%
Chameleon Collector
Find all collectible chameleons.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 20.9%
The Watcher
Find all Collectibles.
2021-11-03 16:52:50 15.9%
Completion Playtime
Including hidden & invalid profiles