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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Defeated nightmares
Destroy the biggest nightmare and complete the game
2019-07-24 06:01:22 30.7%
Into the nightmares
Start the first level
2019-07-24 06:01:22 86.1%
Terrifying guardian
Kill the guard
2019-07-24 06:01:22 30.7%
Dead dancer
Kill the dancing monster
2019-07-24 06:01:22 45.9%
Scary hammer
Kill the monster with the hammer
2019-07-24 06:01:22 62.0%
Where is your head?
Kill the monster who kicks his head
2019-07-24 06:01:22 54.7%
Kill the creeping monster
2019-07-24 06:01:22 51.3%
Bright candle
Take charge of the candle
2019-07-24 06:01:22 71.3%
Lost hat
2019-07-24 06:01:22 81.0%
Game beginning
Start the game for the first time
2019-07-24 06:01:22 22.9%