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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Forever And Ever...
Complete the story.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 34.2%
Off The Hook
Retain perfect attendance via "extenuating circumstances."
2018-01-03 18:47:20 34.4%
The "F" Word
Find Miya skipping class outside campus.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 34.7%
A Foolproof Plan
Successfully conduct the Tea Party.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 36.3%
Getting Along Famously
Attempt to get Miya to attend class by force.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 37.8%
That's the End of It...
Discover Miya's true reason for missing class.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 38.8%
A Little Favor
Accept responsibility for watching over Miya.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 40.8%
I'm Going to be a Fan of This Miya-san
Impress Miya on her first day of class.
2018-01-03 18:47:20 43.0%