Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Save the bait
Save FU-2 from the Galactic Spine Worm
2019-09-22 08:04:34 20.4%
Take out the alien queen
2019-09-22 07:58:05 21.1%
Action Jackson
Arm Jake with a weapon
2019-09-22 07:52:34 24.5%
Melting Moment
Extract crystals from the planet's surface
2019-09-22 07:50:02 26.3%
Bug Hunt
Trap a ceratocanthus
2019-09-22 07:06:20 27.5%
Rare Find
Locate cameronium crystals.
2019-09-22 07:00:10 47.3%
Nosey Parker
Scout the planet with the scope.
2019-09-22 07:00:10 49.7%
Graduation Day!
Complete the tutorial.
2019-09-22 06:52:50 67.9%