Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
King of the World
You found your way to the Hillclimb map and successfully completed the Hill Climb! You are now King of the World!
2021-05-03 20:39:35 8.3%
Playtime more than one minute
You played the game for more than one minute.
2021-05-03 20:39:25 18.1%
Welcome to Njarovik
You found your way to Njarovik. (Requires Njarovik DLC)
Going Steampunk
You drove the Steampunk Car - you're now Going Steampunk! (Requires Steampunk Car DLC - Additionally, this achievement can be gained without the DLC by colliding with the Steampunk Car in-game with another vehicle.)
Opened the Real-time Minimap
You opened and used the Real-time Minimap.
You took a swim
You found your way to the main map, and it looks like you took a swim - this doesn't look to be good for your vehicle, by the way.