Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
1-Credit Clear
• Congratulations! You beat Arcade Mode for the first time without using continues!
Being Anything in Everything
• You beat the Extra Stage with every character and shot type! Amazing!
Can't Wait to Tell My Friends!
• You've played 250 games of Arcade Mode! Go outside and tell your friends!
Dang, You're That Good!
• Dang man, you're THAT good. You beat Arcade Mode on Difficult without using continues.
Danmaku God
• You are a danmaku god. You beat Arcade Mode on Lunatic without using continues!
Fawkes Will Never Kill Me
• You defeated Fred Fawkes in Arcade Mode on Lunatic without getting KO'd a single time! You only live once, y'know.
Hello, Totaka!
• You found that illusive 19-note melody on the Game Over screen! Never heard this in a while.
I Wasted 50,000 Yen!?
• 500 Arcade Mode games!? I'd never seen you do that, but amazing!
Just Getting Started
• You beat Arcade Mode on Easy without using continues. It's still tough, but you're just getting started.
KRDF Recruit
• You booted Chuhou Joutai up for the first time! Now, the adventure begins!
My Body is Ready!
• You have completed every challenge! Thank you for playing, and congrats! See you in Chuhou Joutai 2!
Paid the Price
• You've played ten games of Arcade Mode! That's about 100 yen or a dollar for each play atop of this game's price!
Ransomed Files, Decrypted
• You beat the dev team's high score of 4.5 million points! You deserve decrypted files as your reward!
Ready for a New Adventure
• Congratulations! You beat the Extra Stage! Now you're ready for Driller and Kagami's next adventure!
Ready to Face the Challenge
• Now you're ready to face the challenge. You beat Arcade Mode on Normal without using continues.
Return to Ahoge Peninsula
• Wow! You beat Arcade Mode with every character and shot type! The Extra Stage is now open!
Running Short on Coins!
• Oh wow. You've played 50 games of Arcade Mode! Do you need help managing your money?
Six Dollars For What!?
• You've played 25 games of Arcade Mode! That would be six dollars in America!
Take a Break!
• Holy mother of Flandre! You have already played 100 games of Arcade Mode! Remember to take a break often!
The King/Queen of Danmaku
• You are truly a danmaku king or queen. You beat the Extra Stage on Lunatic!
The Legend of Driller and Kagami
• You found the menu secret! Sure, that is what Driller and Kagami would be 20 years from now. Grumble, grumble!
Willow Will Never Kill Me
• Holy smokes! You beat the Extra Stage on Lunatic without getting KO'd a single time!