Just Ignore Them

Updated 3 weeks ago

Game for
Just Ignore Them
Violent, Gore, Sexual Content, Adventure, Indie
Family Sharing
Released April 28, 2017
USD 3.99
Game Rating
Steam Review Score
7h 28m
2023-12-24 20:36:51
Last Unlock & Completed
2023-12-24 10:05:28
First Unlock & Started
10 hours 31 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… Expired
… in Progress
… Completed
5h 13m
Completion Playtime Avg.
3h 52m
Completion Playtime Median
4h 3m
Playtime Average
3h 3m
Playtime Median
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Completion Time Playtime Last Unlock
Jaws 21.21% 7 / 33 18m 2024-04-14 15:01:30
Patcha_it 93.94% 31 / 33 2h 29m 2024-04-06 00:55:38
myxun 100% 33 5h 34m 5h 34m 2024-03-12 22:03:44
Fox 100% 33 2h 8m 2h 8m 2024-02-07 19:30:40
I, Dementia! 100% 33 4h 51m 4h 51m 2024-02-05 06:25:42
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu 100% 33 3h 20m 3h 20m 2024-01-20 18:41:01
Prof.Vaharrak 100% 33 7h 35m 7h 35m 2023-12-30 18:04:32
Lord of Wheat 100% 33 1h 57m 1h 57m 2023-12-29 11:15:21
✞Even♱ 100% 33 7h 28m 7h 28m 2023-12-24 20:36:51
ruar 100% 33 21h 40m 21h 40m 2023-12-14 20:51:05
Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Good Ending.
2023-12-24 20:36:51 4.2%
The Love Potion
For your deepest desires.
2023-12-24 20:24:21 4.2%
Can be the darkest of temptations
2023-12-24 18:32:20 4.9%
Is This The Right Thing To Do?
I'm not so sure.
2023-12-24 17:06:28 3.3%
Dinner Reservation For 2
Do you trust him?
2023-12-24 16:49:49 2.1%
Bad Ending.
2023-12-24 16:07:14 4.9%
A Tape Recorder?
Guess I'll need to find some tapes
2023-12-24 16:01:35 3.7%
Ha Ha! Wrong!
But, It said it was right!
2023-12-24 16:00:38 5.7%
Kiss From A Black Rose
Something has unlocked?
2023-12-24 16:00:29 5.8%
I Hate The Subway
Are we there yet?
2023-12-24 15:48:10 6.8%
Fear Of Flying
Especially if you have to fly the plane!
2023-12-24 15:46:53 6.8%
I Shot The Sheriff
But I did not shoot the deputy.
2023-12-24 15:45:01 5.9%
Stop Copying Me!
I should take his picture.
2023-12-24 15:37:17 7.1%
Are You Afraid?
You should be.
2023-12-24 15:28:59 7.3%
Drink Your Sorrows Away
Whatsa Madder?
2023-12-24 14:56:39 7.7%
Get It?
8-bit...never mind -_-
2023-12-24 14:50:15 4.1%
Feeling Lovesick?
Or is it just gas?
2023-12-24 14:49:24 5.8%
Tainted Footage
Do not watch this tape.
2023-12-24 11:21:23 6.6%
Sorry To Barge In!
Uh...I'll come back later.
2023-12-24 11:17:36 8.0%
Be Kind Rewind.
Our customers would appreciate it.
2023-12-24 11:15:29 4.5%
Nice! Uh...Poster
He's got a good taste in...posters.
2023-12-24 11:11:47 6.8%
Interesting Concept!
No problem.
2023-12-24 11:07:05 6.3%
Mind Your Own Business!
No one likes a peeping tom.
2023-12-24 11:02:21 6.8%
A Photo Can Tell A Thousand Words
An empty frame tells a million.
2023-12-24 11:01:01 2.6%
Welcome To Dayfield Motel
Enjoy your stay!
2023-12-24 10:39:17 9.4%
*Gasp* You Told!
Why the hell did you do that for?
2023-12-24 10:38:15 8.6%
This Is All A Bad Dream
I hope.
2023-12-24 10:35:39 9.5%
Mysterious Photo
A photo can catch a moment in time?
2023-12-24 10:28:50 3.2%
I Don't Really Need To Go
I think I'll hold it.
2023-12-24 10:26:27 8.4%
I Better Stay Inside
Besides, it's too cold out.
2023-12-24 10:14:21 11.6%
But First, Let Me Take Uh...
2023-12-24 10:13:38 11.5%
I Don't Like Surprises
Wrong closet.
2023-12-24 10:07:57 11.7%
They're Here
The tv people.
2023-12-24 10:05:28 10.3%
Completion Playtime
Including hidden & invalid profiles