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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Complete the game without using a move back or restarting the level
2020-09-21 19:25:52 2.8%
Catch up to the deadline
Complete the game in less than 1 hour
2020-09-21 19:25:52 5.8%
Done on time
Complete the game in less than 3 hours
2020-09-21 19:25:52 2.5%
Mistakes are an experience
Use backward movement more than 100 times
2020-09-21 19:25:52 2.1%
Perpendicular ?
Complete category "Replacer"
2020-09-21 19:25:52 4.9%
Here and there
Complete category "Teleport"
2020-09-21 19:25:52 5.2%
On / Off
Complete category "Switcher"
2020-09-21 19:25:52 5.9%
At an angle
Complete category "Gear"
2020-09-21 19:25:52 10.1%